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Zassenhaus Chopping Boards

ZHB01 Chopping Block End Grain Oak 54x30x4cm

Zassenhaus - end grain butcher block - Massive chopping block made of oak tree in high-end wood processing.

Day after day, a lot pelts down on it - in the truest sense of the word. A chopping block is subjected to enormous stress and has to withstand a lot. That's why the traditional Zassenhaus brand relies on end-grain wood for its chopping blocks. It is cut against the grain direction and can withstand many times the pressure. Another advantage: the cuts do not cut the fibers, they close again due to moisture and the wood retains its beautiful appearance with the characteristic cubes. Whether you prefer the lighter wood, rubberwood or the dark acacia wood depends on your taste and kitchen decor. In any case, you are on the safe side when it comes to quality and origin - all woods come from sustainable cultivation. They are durable and easy to care for. Only one thing they do not tolerate: the dishwasher.

  • from sustainable oak tree wood end
  • 54 x 30 x 4cm



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