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Zassenhaus Coffee Makers

ZCM05 Zassenhaus Coffee Maker Aroma Press 900ml 8Cup

Enjoyment and quality of life are more related to kitchen and cooking than everything else. This includes the preparation too. The aroma of fresh hand ground coffee, fresh peppercorns or spicy pepper reminds us of the past. Zassenhaus stands in this context all times with its coffee and spice mills.

The ZASSENHAUS coffee maker combines tradition with modern design. In the simple and noble glass teapot made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass, wonderfully fragrant coffee, cold brew or even tea can unfold its full aroma without any falsification. Thanks to the double-wall system, the drink stays hot for a long time while serving.

Zassenhaus - coffee maker Aroma Press - Elegant coffee pot with filter insert and lid. Made of heat-resistant glass.

  • Borosilicate Heat Resistant Glass, Stainless Steel,  silicone

  • 8 Cup, 900ml
    height 25.5cm; width 11cm, Length 15cm
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